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Canine Psychic Connection

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There is a class in www.udemy.com taught by Helen Davita that deals with natural animal communication.  I took the class to communicate with my dogs better.  As a result I was better able to communicate with my dogs.  One time I received a psychic communication with one of my dogs that she had a problem with her paws that I resolved with the vet.

My friend Buddy Bolton is amazingly skilled in communicating with my female lab Koko.  She is 13 and I had to change her diet.  I had a lot of difficulty in getting her to eat her new dog food.  But whenever I asked Buddy to help get her to eat her new food, he just sent her a psychic message to eat her food and she instantingly did it.  It was amazing!!

Also I asked Buddy to give me a demonstration of astral projection.  He came to see me and Koko as his astral self.  Koko instantly alerted on him but I never did sense him. 

When I found out that Koko and and I both had interstitial lund disease as  a result of having COVID, I asked Buddy to explain how to use psychic healing.  So I said a prayer after getting in a meditative state on my message chair with Koko sleeping next to me.  Then I put my husband's American Legion Bible in my lap.  The Bible served as my "magic feather" to help me focus.  My Viet Nam Navy disabled veteran husband unfortunately died in July of agent orange so the American Legion Bible presented to me meant a lot to me.  So I focused a healing light up and down my lungs where I had insterstitial lung disease and also the lungs of my dog.  For most people the light is white.  But for me I saw a distinctive neon blue light (I guess blue for the Navy!).  That night after I fell asleep I had a psychic vision of a black labrador puppy going down a river in a basket (Moses dream?).  I also saw the words "River More."  Then the next morning I instantly saw "Newsweek" story about a black labrador puppy found floating down a river and rescued.   I felt totally amazed and in awe of the psychic vision.  I felt like the vision was a message from God and the Holy Spirit that my dog and I would be ok and "River More."  My married last name is "Jordan" like the Jordan River.

Finally my husband and I taught Koko to alert on to my husband to find him if I couldn't since he had the veteran disability of congestive heart failure to due to exposure to agent orange from the drinking water while in the Navy.   The command was "Go find daddy!"  After my husband passed I gave Koko the command "Go find daddy!"  But Koko did not find him.  What a relief!  We weren't being haunted and my husband was rest!

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